Croquettes au fromage manchego

Croquettes au fromage Manchego


250g. de fromage Manchego ( curado)

800 g. de pommes de terre.

50 g. de beurre.

4 œufs, chapelure, sel, poivre.


 Bouillir les pommes de terre dans l’eau salée. Une fois cuites, les peler et les écraser à la fourchette pour obtenir une purée homogène. Mélanger la purée de pommes de terre avec le fromage qu’il faudra râper auparavant, les 3 jaunes d’œuf et le beurre. Battre les blancs en neige et ajouter à la pâte. Battre un oeuf dans une assiette ; verser la chapelure dans une autre assiette. Façonner des petites croquettes avec la pâte, les rouler dans l’oeuf battu et la chapelure. Frire les croquettes dans une grande quantité d’huile très chaude, les retirer quand elles sont dorées. Servir chaud avec une salade et un peu de mayonnaise.

Product of the month January

Sabores de Carmen launches this January  «Month of cheese.» So if you like cheese do not hesitate to enter in our website ( to discover the best cheeses and dozens of ways to taste them. As starter or tapa, in the Spanish style, as dessert or melted, in the French style, cured, creamy, soft and intense flavor, always accompanied by a good glass of red wine, cheese gives you a thousand and one ways to enjoy moments unforgettable.

During this month, Sabores de Carmen offers you the best Manchego cheeses and other delicious sheep, goat and cow cheeses at unbeatable prices as well as dozens of recipes to taste and enjoy them. The first 3 orders of the second fortnight will receive a special gift.

  • Did you know…?

Cheese is a very complete food, which concentrates all the nutritional qualities of milk. It contains a high proportion of protein, which makes it even richer than meat.

In the cheese you can find vitamins  A, D and E, fundamental in metabolic processes such as growth, tissue preservation and calcium absorption.

Highly recommended for all ages. During the growth stage, due to its high calcium content. In adults, for the large number of proteins and finally, we  recommend its use to older people because it slows bone decalcification and is more digestible than milk.

  • Did you know that Manchego Cheese…?

It is a cheese with protected designation of origin (PDO) since 1982 and recognized by the European Union since 2007, made from sheep’s milk in the immense plains of Castilla la Mancha. At the moment, the Manchego cheese is produced in 399 municipalities of Castilla la Mancha and is the best selling Spanish cheese in the world.

  • Did you know that Tetilla cheese…?

Is the most representative cheese of the Galician gastronomy and has the protected designation of origin since 1992. It is made from cow’s milk and is produced from over 2000 years ago in Galicia.

  • Did you know … Roncal Cheese?

It’s a sheep cheese made in the Roncal Valley, along the river Esca in the Pyrenean. It was the first cheese to receive the designation of origin in Spain, in 1981.

  • Did you know that Raclette Cheese….?

This cheese is made exclusively with whole raw cow’s milk in the region of Valais in Switzerland that  received the appellation of origin in 2003. A very rustic fragrant and creamy cheese, it is used mainly melted and give name to the Raclette dish.

Raclette is the name both of this Swiss dish and the cheese used in it. The cheese is melted under an electric grill element and scraped over the accompaniments.